I Phone 5 bakar dilancarkan pada Oktober / November 2012

Apple, a leading mobile company today, has been reported to release the newest addition to their line, the iPhone 5, later this year around October or November. An anonymous tip from reliable sources says that this schedule is going to be kept as a new version of the famed iPhone is going to be released per year for next several years.

The internet scene has already noted various versions of such speculation and no one knows when is the exact date until Apple can provide their final statement to clear the rumors running around over the internet. The idea about the next iPhone being released later this year is actually a tangible idea with a promising touch of reality considering the rumors that have been circulating prior to the release of the iPhone 4S.

There have been anonymous tips regarding the name of the next iPhone version and most of such tips point out that the name will not likely be iPhone 5 considering the name variation between the newest version and its previous version which are the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S. Regarding the changes on the applications and the system, there will likely be major changes that will be seen in the next iPhone version to keep up with the ever evolving smartphone market today.

If you are excited about the next iPhone then you should definitely consider checking out the latest tips that have come out. Most likely, the closer we get to the release date, the clearer and more prominently inclined to the truth the tips will likely be. Moreover, you also get a dose of those probable features that you will likely be seeing in the next version to improve the performance of the next iPhone version.

Sumber : http://www.iphone5now.com

Peminat iphone tunggu kemunculannya

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